Monday, 21 September 2009
i ahm not shootin that fookin prawn!

Thursday, 3 September 2009
sweet disposition
recently i have observed one or two little things... as per usual i hear you say. yes i reply. yes yes yes.
firstly i think it is fantastic how one little advert can rocket a band into the charts. i am of course referring to the V festival add. and the song, sweet disposition by the temper trap. now i like this song. so much that i downloaded the album. i cant help but hope that the band doesn't become defined my the success of this song.
other bands that have had similar success include:
- gossip
- the noisettes
i didn't mention the song name because if my theory is correct. then u all ready know the song!
my second observation is that school is back for the year. well until half term at least. which means but only one thing!
yes freshers week is on the way people. seven days to get drunk and party with randoms!!
Noo that wasn't really the 2nd thing. well it sorta is but that's only because the original one left my mind to go pursue a Carree in Hollywood.
part two....
i recently got the keys to my new house. its nice. I'm yet to fully move all my stuff into tho. obviously your all welcome. that is assuming that i know you. you know what. even if know you i might not like you so its probably best to not just turn up. ring ahead if your planning on coming round. i might not be in. or i might be in and i might just not want you to come round. so yeah. new house. it does involve more bus travel to and from, which is OK... for now. i would rather not have to do it but that's the life i lead now i suppose.
part three...
so this is the main section of the blog. the rest was just random stuff that i decided needed to be said. although, not necessarily read. if you did read it however, that was your choice and as such waver all rights to complain about the stated sections.
Matthew Street Festival
was good to say the least. i witnessed a spectacle. the city centre of Liverpool was turned into a field! well, minus the mud. but you know what i mean. so seen as though i was in work on the Sunday, i missed the bands for this day. i did however catch the tail end of an excellent covers band in the goose ??? ???? queen. Monday rolls in, and i go to watch the bands. i even take Dan along with me too. Tom was having none of it. sadly i missed some of the bands i had hoped to see. The Thrillers, and Dizzy Lizzy to name 2. however i was pleasantly please with the Antarctic Monkeys, and Kins of Leon on the Tunnel Stage. and Elevation and a Rory Gallagher tribute on the Superlamb Banana stage. special note should be taken to the Kins of Leon who sounded and looked just like the real thing. i was surprised by the sheer amount of people who was there as well. it was fantastic. all upon till on the way back to my mothers rented apartment in Liverpool one, it started to rain. and i mean RAIN! so naturally i got soaked and had to sit in fore mentioned apartment in just my boxers whilst the clothes were in the drier.
the rest, we shall say is history
stay off drugs!