Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Monday, 8 November 2010

Cup of Tea

It seems that slowly, I am becoming, a tea lover...
now for those of you who have known me, will know that this is not me. I used to live with a bunch of lads who would drink tea religiously! Tea was not my thing! in fact! one of my early blog posts is about how I do not like tea! yet, here we are, in 2010, and I am drinking tea. not just that. but craving tea! the words "I need a brew" have come from my mouth today on several occasions. As a result, I have had several cups.
this may not seem like a big deal to you folk. sitting there with your reading glasses and your rolled up newspaper, which, we both know you only read for the nude ladies on page 3! you pretend your reading the sports, and doing the crossword, but really you're just writing words that will fit into the gaps! wait, where was I!? oh yes. The tea.

So yeah, Little less than a year ago, or was it little over a year ago. oh I don't know, scroll down and see for yourself!, I was complaining about tea, yet here I am... loving the stuff!
