Sunday, 26 December 2010

I wear Sunglasses at Night

I wear sunglasses. not constantly, not even the majority of the time! but I like to wear them! I wear them when I shouldn't, and I do this for a number of reasons.

1. Glasses look good on me. well some do. not like half crescent ones. you know, the ones like Dumbledore wears, though in all fairness if I could, I would! I am not unfortunate enough to have to wear glasses. something I suppose I should be thankful for.

2. Glasses, well sun glasses at least, hide the eyes. and lets be honest. we've all heard the saying, "you have sad eyes". the eyes are the portal to the soul, and I don't often like to show vulnerability, so I cover these portals up to stop intruders into my otherwise private soul! Stay out! it's bad enough there's body language and tone of voice and all that crap!

3. I can't think how to word this, and this point is referring to my wearing of sunglasses when I shouldn't, but is basically something along the lines of 'society dictates that I shouldn't wear glasses at that time/place/point' Now obviously I'm not going to stroll into a job interview with some green shades on! thats idiotic! but wearing them inside the house, when its not sunny out, at night, whilst I'm reading! why does it matter that I am wearing them! you wear shoes when you're sat down! get over it!

so in conclusion to this otherwise pointless blog post.

I like sunglasses and I wear them when I want to!

here's a photo!

Oh, I have headphones on too!

Tuesday, 21 December 2010


This is the blog where I write down about my year. It probably won't be as funny (if you found my others amusing) as previous, but I don't care =]

What was I doing at the end of 2009?
I was in work at the Odeon in Liverpool One. I was in Liverpool, and had nothing to do. So I planned a party at my house. Not many people turned up, so we all went out instead. it was OK.

on that day, when I'm quite sure I was hung over, I don't think I would be sat here nearly 12 months later having had the experience I have had, or be in situations I am in.

There was some slight stress at the start of the year. I had a dissertation to write. Lab work to do. My Friend was about to pop a child out!

January was the time I did lab work, a little bit of coursework. and I met Noah for the 1st time!

February is the month of valentines day. I had a date, and this was the 1st time that I experienced the wonders of the egg cafe. I did some more work for my dissertation which was due in at the start of March. Oh, and I ate some pancakes.

March, I sent off for my Visa for China, a place I was very much looking forward to visiting! did a couple all nighters and handed my Dissertation in on the 5th! I recall getting very drunk that night. A week later I went to China! Whilst in China I saw a lot of things, had a great time, but that is for a different time. some friendships became stronger from the experience.

At the end of April I had exams looming, so April was spent revising. Well no it wasn't. I spent a lot of time with a certain person this month. completed exams and so finished all uni work. well not true, I had one more in May

As mentioned I had one more exam in May, I also had a birthday to attend. I won't lie, I didn't do much else in May other than hang with a friend, work and get excited for Glastonbury. I think I went to Alton Towers too

June was quite the same as May, but with the added bonus of Glastonbury towards the end

July, I officially moved home, Swapped Odeon's and set about making new work friends. I attended a cousins Wedding at Camelot. I also Graduated in this month, this is where I met Brain May. I also had a party to celebrate. A party that I would later regret. I also went to Cardiff for another Birthday.

August wasn't the best month. Nothing happened. except some less than great news. I think this is when I started watching Dexter. and didn't stop until I had seen them all!

September was quite Similar to August, Minus the bad news. I started Driving again. TV shows started again so I watched these.

October Saw another Birthday, This one was a fancy dress night out in Blackpool. I also went to see Mcfly in this month. now that is something I never though I would say... Honestly! I passed my driving test at the end of the month!

November saw a few more Birthdays, nothing overly special here. I bought my 1st car in the middle of the month, but it was left uninsured until December. therefore it was off the road. I pretty much worked solidly this month.

December was the month of snow! there was a reunion night out in Liverpool. which was OK. it could have been better! It was also my birthday so I could get my car on the road! Christmas is coming up in 4 days too! then New Year. I know what I will be thinking about.

Now obviously I have missed out a lot of things. personal things that I do not wish to share. but there are certain things that have surprised me, and saddened me slightly. but on the whole, I don't think I can complain about this year! I will do! but by rights I shouldn't the first half of the year was probs one of the best on record. and I think it was only because I moved home that I didn't enjoy the second quite as much.

It has been A Cracking Year!