first of all i would like to praise the weather. sunny. raining. sunny. overcast. spitting. how i love thee. thank you for such a variety! meanwhile, little old me is sat inside waiting for 5 minutes of 'nice' weather so that i can dash outside and get on the trampoline. this is the highlight of my day. those 5 minutes of bouncing up and down and up and down. then i fall. i will confess to not being a professional. tho i am getting better.
so ill tell you why I'm on a trampoline, or as it goes, lack of trampoline. 11 years ago i was graced with a cousin. who has recently finished school for the summer holidays. the task has fallen upon me to look after her during the day whilst her parents are at work bringing in the big bucks! naturally i figured this would be a good way to fill the long summer days. that and the incentive of being paid at the end of the day. as one man once said "Elliot is living the dream" however, living the dream is great except for when the dream involves my cousin Louise!
all was going well. the first day there was sun! this allowed me to get some trampoline action. the following days however have been a glorious shade of haze. almost as if the weather is going through some emotional break up.
so i started watching the television:
9.00am Friends double bill
10.00am The O.C
now i will admit i have seen all of the episodes for both shows on more than one occasion. oh the joys of being a student. however. it was the final series of friends which i have not seen for a while so i was pleased with this outcome. Monday and Tuesday went to plan. Wednesday however was the break from babysitting to go to the corporate lifestyle and the world of ODEON. at the time this was a welcomed break. i also decided to pick up a copy of Harry Potter: The Deathly Hallows to read on the train.
the next day i resume my old routine only to find that i had missed the last two episodes! Frightfully annoyed i was. so i decided to carry on reading. and reading some more. i read until the book was finished. which wasn't to long.
at the fear of rambling i will wrap up this edition of Elliot's Thaughts. however i will list some of the most annoying comments regarding my food recently:
1. "eeewwww that makes me feel sick" - Cheese on toast
2. "your weird" - cheese on toast
3. "that looks disgusting" - Cornish Pasty
4. "*fake gagging noise* EURGH!" - Budweiser BBQ Sauce
Monday, 27 July 2009
Monday, 13 July 2009
Funny Old Week
Since the last blog not a lot has happend.

actually. this is a total lie.
like a motorist hitting a dog whilst speeding, i had quite and accident. yes, i did the stupidest thing of the week by far.... split Ribenna alll over my laptop.. so that was out of action for several days. however this encouraged me to purchase some new PS3 games. i say new.... they are both pre-owned and old. Assassins Creed and Pure. so far Pure has taken up the majority of my time.
there was also my uncles 50th which anyone who was there will tell u was a good gig. seen as though my cousin is only 16. it fell upon me to make sure the "youngones" had a good time. foolish old me. the well known fact that no-one, and i mean no-one, drinks like a 16year old (think about it)(see Zophres Curve)*, slipped my mind. needless to say, i had a good time despite getting attacked on the trampoline at 2am. naturally i woke up with a terrible hang over..... nasty
thats all im going to say for now as it is very difficult to type as the keyboard is still slightly broken. if you see a lack of "x c v m" in this text. its because them keys are broken still. i dont want any comments refering to me as a spacker! you know who u are.....

Oh, i was also upset to hear that Little Man Tate are splitting up. I know right!
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Time Well Spent
It seems that into days society, it is increasingly difficult to find part time temporary work. Because of which, i have found myself commiting to continue working at my current job, at great expense. mainly location. Once a week, i am commuting to and from Liverpool to work at the Odeon. Thus leaving me with nothing to do during the day
week 1:
How I Met Your Mother.
excelent way to spend time... watching 4 series of How I Met Your Mother back to back. having found myself in some similar experiences to those in the series, i quickly warmed to the series. also it has the added bonus of having the genius that is Jason Segal in it. i have now also found a new character to go on the list of greats. Barney Stinson.
week 2.
We are no entering week 2. it is in fact the second day. tuesday. 2 days ago i happend to stumble accross a pokemon emulater on my laptop. so i subsequently have spent the last few days playing that. just reached the pokemon league and am strugeling. tho a little while longer i shall beat all 4! mwahaha! i have noticed several things on the game that need mentiong. why do the other trainers only carry 3 pokemon at a time. obviosly im going to beat them when i have 6 superior pokemon! also. the mischevious team rocket are still lingering. they annoy me most. they have the worst possible pokemon and dont really deserve to have such a cool name as team rocket.
this inbetween learning random song on my guitar and listening to alot of music is basically what i have been doing over the last week and a half. i went to see Kasabian this time last week. that was excelent. oh, and i constructed myself a guitar slide today. pretty constructive really. now to learn to play slide.....
hopefully next week will bring a new phase to last the week. otherwise who knows what i will be doing. i cannot stand daytime tv. with the exceptions of One Tree Hill on E4.
Oh, I also think i have been scammed on ebay!!!!
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