what with the global economic crisis what it is i have not had to much free time to write a blog. however, seen as though the moons of Endor are aligned with the 3rd planet in the outer rim, i have found the time to write this one.
recent discovery of the 99p subway voucher has seen me consuming my 7th in 9 days. give or take a few. needless to say, i have only missed two days of subway. this is in part down to 2 of my followers. the 1st being Mel. she happens to be the person who forced the vast quantity of vouchers into my hand. the second person is Vikki. as she happily accepted the 'hand-me-down' vouchers, she has insisted that i go with her every day. only two days left on the vouchers. so its safe to say after the 15th of this month. it might be a while before i find enough courage to pay full price for a sandwich!
also during the time spent away from this blog i have decided to begin work on my life long (so far) work "The Several Rules of Life". naturally this hasn't taken me to log, as so far i have only managed to think of 3. or perhaps 2...
1. Never under any Circumstance should you run for the Bus. - you were either late for the bus arriving and therefore you deserve to miss the bus. its your own fault. or the bus driver is in a hurry so he wont wait for you even if he does see you running. he is a tool! any outcome of running for the bus sees you looking like an idiot an that's not worth the hastle. just wait 3 mins
for the next one!
2. Never run across the road! equally as above, you will look stupid. don't do it. if you are to unaware, and lets say... stupid to realise there is traffic coming then perhaps being run over will teach you to check the road (it did for me). if you see traffic coming carry on crossing at your current speed. Bite he bullet and let the driver slow down and give you an angry stare! at a push he might hurl abuse at you. if you get run over, as i previously said, it might make u avoid such incidences in the future. either way, its your fault.
3. Never look a gift horse in the mouth! - there just trying to be nice. also their breath usually smells bad eurgh!
as you can see. the work is far from complete. however as this is a liefs long work, you shouldn't be expecting to see this hit the shelf for quite some time hopefully. or perhaps you will if i follow number 2 and get run over. in which i shall be dead and will therefore will publish "The Incomplete Rule of Life"
during the winter days of December i shall be turning 21, and somebody proposed that i have a fancy dress party. this got me thinking. what could i do that no-one else has done. this then lead me to think about the cast and crew that are the McDonald's gang! not the greasy workers. no no no. the Ronald McDonald gang that the chain is named after! sadly, these happy characters don't seem to be around any more which is always upsetting to realise.
1. Ronald "the big dog" McDonald
2. The Ham Bugerler
3. That Purple Thing
4. The Girl with curly Hair
and that's all i can think of sadly. more work, (and possibly help of google) will help me find the answer!
so for this week, i shall leave you with this conundrum, however racist it may be
"2 black guys in a car, who's driving?"
this blog was planned and wrote on location in Victoria Talbot's Flat. No animals were harmed in the making. however, i did drink some of Vik's Tea. and i dont like tea. it wasn't nice!