This is the blog where I write down about my year. It probably won't be as funny (if you found my others amusing) as previous, but I don't care =]
What was I doing at the end of 2009?
I was in work at the Odeon in Liverpool One. I was in Liverpool, and had nothing to do. So I planned a party at my house. Not many people turned up, so we all went out instead. it was OK.
on that day, when I'm quite sure I was hung over, I don't think I would be sat here nearly 12 months later having had the experience I have had, or be in situations I am in.
There was some slight stress at the start of the year. I had a dissertation to write. Lab work to do. My Friend was about to pop a child out!
January was the time I did lab work, a little bit of coursework. and I met Noah for the 1st time!
February is the month of valentines day. I had a date, and this was the 1st time that I experienced the wonders of the egg cafe. I did some more work for my dissertation which was due in at the start of March. Oh, and I ate some pancakes.
March, I sent off for my Visa for China, a place I was very much looking forward to visiting! did a couple all nighters and handed my Dissertation in on the 5th! I recall getting very drunk that night. A week later I went to China! Whilst in China I saw a lot of things, had a great time, but that is for a different time. some friendships became stronger from the experience.
At the end of April I had exams looming, so April was spent revising. Well no it wasn't. I spent a lot of time with a certain person this month. completed exams and so finished all uni work. well not true, I had one more in May
As mentioned I had one more exam in May, I also had a birthday to attend. I won't lie, I didn't do much else in May other than hang with a friend, work and get excited for Glastonbury. I think I went to Alton Towers too
June was quite the same as May, but with the added bonus of Glastonbury towards the end
July, I officially moved home, Swapped Odeon's and set about making new work friends. I attended a cousins Wedding at Camelot. I also Graduated in this month, this is where I met Brain May. I also had a party to celebrate. A party that I would later regret. I also went to Cardiff for another Birthday.
August wasn't the best month. Nothing happened. except some less than great news. I think this is when I started watching Dexter. and didn't stop until I had seen them all!
September was quite Similar to August, Minus the bad news. I started Driving again. TV shows started again so I watched these.
October Saw another Birthday, This one was a fancy dress night out in Blackpool. I also went to see Mcfly in this month. now that is something I never though I would say... Honestly! I passed my driving test at the end of the month!
November saw a few more Birthdays, nothing overly special here. I bought my 1st car in the middle of the month, but it was left uninsured until December. therefore it was off the road. I pretty much worked solidly this month.
December was the month of snow! there was a reunion night out in Liverpool. which was OK. it could have been better! It was also my birthday so I could get my car on the road! Christmas is coming up in 4 days too! then New Year. I know what I will be thinking about.
Now obviously I have missed out a lot of things. personal things that I do not wish to share. but there are certain things that have surprised me, and saddened me slightly. but on the whole, I don't think I can complain about this year! I will do! but by rights I shouldn't the first half of the year was probs one of the best on record. and I think it was only because I moved home that I didn't enjoy the second quite as much.
It has been A Cracking Year!