Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Travel the World

I have decided that seen as though I have no direction in my life at the moment, I will save money and travel the world.
Ideally I would like to have this done by sometime near April. I think that a good rout to take would be something along the following.

New Zealand

however, I can't rule out the possibility of India, as some people never shut up about it. this would probably be a place I visit first, as it is on the way to the east of Asia and therefore makes more sense. I think a good time to spend travelling would be 6 - 9 months. however, I can get a years working visa for Australia, and as this is something I have wanted to do for many a year now, I will most likely do this. so perhaps my travel time will be more like 12 months. spending around 6 months in Australia, and hopefully around 6 months travelling the rest.

the big problem with Travelling for so long, is fundings. Whilst in Australia I should be able to work so I shouldn't need a great amount of money for this part of the trip, however, lets not forget that I will be living in hostels/shaks for 6 months, and these cost money, then there is the food. travel, and any other expenses. and even if these paces are cheap cheap cheap! it all adds up! so I really need to set out an amount that I wish to have before I set off. probs somewhere around 5k? that will leave me with about £500 a month and will leave me with a nice amount of 'extra' money. i.e. for the luxuries.

saving this money will not be easy, not without a good amount of money coming in. which is the major problem at the moment!

new jobs are needed. and a strict budget! but all will be well... I have faith!

Stay tuned for updates, whenever they may arrive!

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