Sunday 26 December 2010

I wear Sunglasses at Night

I wear sunglasses. not constantly, not even the majority of the time! but I like to wear them! I wear them when I shouldn't, and I do this for a number of reasons.

1. Glasses look good on me. well some do. not like half crescent ones. you know, the ones like Dumbledore wears, though in all fairness if I could, I would! I am not unfortunate enough to have to wear glasses. something I suppose I should be thankful for.

2. Glasses, well sun glasses at least, hide the eyes. and lets be honest. we've all heard the saying, "you have sad eyes". the eyes are the portal to the soul, and I don't often like to show vulnerability, so I cover these portals up to stop intruders into my otherwise private soul! Stay out! it's bad enough there's body language and tone of voice and all that crap!

3. I can't think how to word this, and this point is referring to my wearing of sunglasses when I shouldn't, but is basically something along the lines of 'society dictates that I shouldn't wear glasses at that time/place/point' Now obviously I'm not going to stroll into a job interview with some green shades on! thats idiotic! but wearing them inside the house, when its not sunny out, at night, whilst I'm reading! why does it matter that I am wearing them! you wear shoes when you're sat down! get over it!

so in conclusion to this otherwise pointless blog post.

I like sunglasses and I wear them when I want to!

here's a photo!

Oh, I have headphones on too!

Tuesday 21 December 2010


This is the blog where I write down about my year. It probably won't be as funny (if you found my others amusing) as previous, but I don't care =]

What was I doing at the end of 2009?
I was in work at the Odeon in Liverpool One. I was in Liverpool, and had nothing to do. So I planned a party at my house. Not many people turned up, so we all went out instead. it was OK.

on that day, when I'm quite sure I was hung over, I don't think I would be sat here nearly 12 months later having had the experience I have had, or be in situations I am in.

There was some slight stress at the start of the year. I had a dissertation to write. Lab work to do. My Friend was about to pop a child out!

January was the time I did lab work, a little bit of coursework. and I met Noah for the 1st time!

February is the month of valentines day. I had a date, and this was the 1st time that I experienced the wonders of the egg cafe. I did some more work for my dissertation which was due in at the start of March. Oh, and I ate some pancakes.

March, I sent off for my Visa for China, a place I was very much looking forward to visiting! did a couple all nighters and handed my Dissertation in on the 5th! I recall getting very drunk that night. A week later I went to China! Whilst in China I saw a lot of things, had a great time, but that is for a different time. some friendships became stronger from the experience.

At the end of April I had exams looming, so April was spent revising. Well no it wasn't. I spent a lot of time with a certain person this month. completed exams and so finished all uni work. well not true, I had one more in May

As mentioned I had one more exam in May, I also had a birthday to attend. I won't lie, I didn't do much else in May other than hang with a friend, work and get excited for Glastonbury. I think I went to Alton Towers too

June was quite the same as May, but with the added bonus of Glastonbury towards the end

July, I officially moved home, Swapped Odeon's and set about making new work friends. I attended a cousins Wedding at Camelot. I also Graduated in this month, this is where I met Brain May. I also had a party to celebrate. A party that I would later regret. I also went to Cardiff for another Birthday.

August wasn't the best month. Nothing happened. except some less than great news. I think this is when I started watching Dexter. and didn't stop until I had seen them all!

September was quite Similar to August, Minus the bad news. I started Driving again. TV shows started again so I watched these.

October Saw another Birthday, This one was a fancy dress night out in Blackpool. I also went to see Mcfly in this month. now that is something I never though I would say... Honestly! I passed my driving test at the end of the month!

November saw a few more Birthdays, nothing overly special here. I bought my 1st car in the middle of the month, but it was left uninsured until December. therefore it was off the road. I pretty much worked solidly this month.

December was the month of snow! there was a reunion night out in Liverpool. which was OK. it could have been better! It was also my birthday so I could get my car on the road! Christmas is coming up in 4 days too! then New Year. I know what I will be thinking about.

Now obviously I have missed out a lot of things. personal things that I do not wish to share. but there are certain things that have surprised me, and saddened me slightly. but on the whole, I don't think I can complain about this year! I will do! but by rights I shouldn't the first half of the year was probs one of the best on record. and I think it was only because I moved home that I didn't enjoy the second quite as much.

It has been A Cracking Year!

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Monday 8 November 2010

Cup of Tea

It seems that slowly, I am becoming, a tea lover...
now for those of you who have known me, will know that this is not me. I used to live with a bunch of lads who would drink tea religiously! Tea was not my thing! in fact! one of my early blog posts is about how I do not like tea! yet, here we are, in 2010, and I am drinking tea. not just that. but craving tea! the words "I need a brew" have come from my mouth today on several occasions. As a result, I have had several cups.
this may not seem like a big deal to you folk. sitting there with your reading glasses and your rolled up newspaper, which, we both know you only read for the nude ladies on page 3! you pretend your reading the sports, and doing the crossword, but really you're just writing words that will fit into the gaps! wait, where was I!? oh yes. The tea.

So yeah, Little less than a year ago, or was it little over a year ago. oh I don't know, scroll down and see for yourself!, I was complaining about tea, yet here I am... loving the stuff!


Wednesday 20 October 2010

Tick Tock Waiting on the Clock

Now I'm a man, yes, biggest revelation since the 'Bird being the word' right? no! ignore that terrible pun in the previous sentence. I am a laid back man. but I do not like having to wait around to do something... I want to go for a gym and swim. however, on a Wednesday the Pool at my gym is hired out to the very respectful Middleton Amateur Swimming Club until 9. Ideally I want to head for the gym for a little over an hour? nothing to strenuous, then a nice swim. however! I don't want to be waiting around in the gym so I have to plan my arriving at the gym. to early, then I'll have to wait around, to late and not enough gym time!

this wouldn't be a problem normally. however, My internet has decided to be slow as toast rendering me doing anything on there pointless.... and I have no interest in anything on the TV. so I am literally sitting around waiting to leave.

its annoying!

Monday 11 October 2010

The Box Was Opened

So the countdown hit zero... and then the day after, the Box was opened! I know, who saw that one coming? The lateness I mean, not the box being opened. that was inevitable.... Much like the Mythical Pandora's box... which is quite a handy app on Android if you use this OS... the bow was opened. Hmm, I suppose its quite unlike Pandora's box, quite the opposite in fact, as I don't think that has been opened... yes, the day arrived and the box was opened. I was there, I witnessed it happen. To be honest, I Knew what was in the box to start off with so it was nothing special for me. You might be surprised to know that it was ME who put the contents of the box, within the box in the 1st place... again, much like Pandora's box. "WHAT?!" you ask? Shut up!

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Whats In The Box

Tuesday 7 September 2010

same shirt issues

today, well actually by now it was yesterday, i had a driving lesson. a driving lesson you shout? yes. a driving lesson. it has been almost a week since my last one. i was both excited and nervous. but more excited. earlier on in the day i had awoke nice and early for a job interview. threw on a shirt and went. that went well. later on i realise i don't know what time my lesson is, so i woo out the old mobile phone and text my instructor... yes. i'm that cool i text my driving instructor. i politely ask if the lesson is at 5 or 6. he replies 6. i was ok with this as i have no other plans for the day. a few minutes pass... another text from the driving instructor. "oh no!" i think, "perhaps he's angry that i text him rather than rang him, after all we had only met the once before. but then i remember that it was him who instigated this text 'relationship' we now had. i cautiously reach for my phone, expecting the worst. to my relief however, he was merely suggesting that we meet at 5:30, rather than the pre arranged 6. i agreed. this made a lot of sense... didn't it?

5:25 rolls around, i am happily wasting time on the computer, then i realise the lesson is upon me, and i shouldn't be late, so i grab my keys, run for the door and head off to the meeting point. it was halfway there that i realised the major issue at hand. i am wearing the same shirt as i had on the previous lesson, and the only other time we had met. therefore, i could look like some sort of simpson character to him. i think about going home and changing. but what would i change in to? and i don't have time. he will be there, and i will be late.

i try to remember what he had wore before, i couldn't. this was a good sign, why would he remember my clothes if i couldn't remember his. by this point i had arrived at the meet, he was not to be seen. what if he had seen me on approach, seen my same clothesness and thought "eurgh!" and turned away! after all, he had suggested this earlier time, now HE wasn't here... i would have had time to change!

he pulls in. now i begin to debate whether it would be better to mention the same shirtness myself, so he knows that i know, then i can drop into conversation how it had been washed, and i hadn't worn it constantly... but this may make me look silly, and he may not believe me. but if i don't mention it, he will think the worst anyway surely? i stroll to the car, thoughts pulsating through my head! what should i do? panic stricken i flip a coin. not a real coin, but a coin in my head. it landed on tails....

i did not say anything, neither did he.

but now i know to look out for his cardigan and boot combination next time

Sunday 5 September 2010

New Hair Cut

comments? thoughts?

Wednesday 1 September 2010

Travel the World

I have decided that seen as though I have no direction in my life at the moment, I will save money and travel the world.
Ideally I would like to have this done by sometime near April. I think that a good rout to take would be something along the following.

New Zealand

however, I can't rule out the possibility of India, as some people never shut up about it. this would probably be a place I visit first, as it is on the way to the east of Asia and therefore makes more sense. I think a good time to spend travelling would be 6 - 9 months. however, I can get a years working visa for Australia, and as this is something I have wanted to do for many a year now, I will most likely do this. so perhaps my travel time will be more like 12 months. spending around 6 months in Australia, and hopefully around 6 months travelling the rest.

the big problem with Travelling for so long, is fundings. Whilst in Australia I should be able to work so I shouldn't need a great amount of money for this part of the trip, however, lets not forget that I will be living in hostels/shaks for 6 months, and these cost money, then there is the food. travel, and any other expenses. and even if these paces are cheap cheap cheap! it all adds up! so I really need to set out an amount that I wish to have before I set off. probs somewhere around 5k? that will leave me with about £500 a month and will leave me with a nice amount of 'extra' money. i.e. for the luxuries.

saving this money will not be easy, not without a good amount of money coming in. which is the major problem at the moment!

new jobs are needed. and a strict budget! but all will be well... I have faith!

Stay tuned for updates, whenever they may arrive!

Sunday 15 August 2010

Winner Winner, Pizza for Dinner

the other day I realise that I haven't bought a scratch card for a while, and while I'm down with the saying, you have to be in it to win it, it has been a while since I have been in. so I promptly went to my local shop, checked out the talent (nothing more than £1) and picked the one I liked. Mystic Dog by the national lottery was today's choice. so I paid the cashier and set off with what I hoped to be a jackpot winning card. unfortunately not, but I did however win £2. so double what I put in. I was happy!
the next day I return to the same shop, and still feeling lucky i purchase another from the kind gentleman serving. this time it was only a small £1 win. but a win never less. a few days passed, and I had considered cashing the winnings for bus fare. I decided against this however.

then comes tonight! I see the cards sitting there. I feel cheeky at the though, but could I really cash these cards in and with the winnings buy 3 more cards? surely not?! but I headed to the shop regardless. "3 more I declare" and the kind sir gives me 3 more. I return home.
I scratch off the 1st one. no matching numbers, but there was a curious looking dog face where a number should be. 'win £10' it says, so I checked the back and sure enough I had won £10 excitedly, I scratched away at the next card. the same cheeky dog face was staring back at me. another £10 WOW. fingers crossed for a third dastardly dog face, alas. I only won £2 on this card. but I was happy never less =D

and then I came to tell my story to the ocuk world.

Thursday 8 July 2010

when does family become family?

i was walking home drunk one night. this night if i am being precise, but that little bit of information will only really be of assistance if on the off chance you are reading this within the next 4 - 5 hours or so... which i doubt. comment if you are though =D

as i was saying, i got thinking. when do people become a family??

i have a group of friends.. not biggest by a long shot. but this group of friends is special because they are my group of friends.
4 of them are in long term relationships.. (two sets of two)... the rest are irrelevant for the purpose of this blog.

one of them. lets call him hayson! has been with his partner for nearly 2 years. hayson's longest relationship. they now live with each other.
the other, lets call his madam, has been with his partner for over 2 years, nearly 3.

this lead me to think. at what point do their respective partners become family..
Hayson lives with his partner. does this make them family? but at the same time, Madam has been with his partner for almost a year longer.... so surely that would make them more family than the previous....?

does the inclusion of a child bind people together to make them family? people always say "you are starting a family" when you have a child. what about marriage. is marriage the family starter? i don't know....

but i would like to?

if anyone has any thoughts or opinions... please let me know....

Thursday 1 July 2010

Big Booty Bitches

catch up

in the year 2010, several things happened that are significant in my life.

#1. i walked the great wall of china
#2. i attended my 1st (hopefully not last) glastonbury
#3. i graduate

of the 3 you might think that there is a clear winner, you might not. i don't like to tell you what to think. though i do think it is a good idea if you listen to what i say and take it as the gospel. i have a favourite. and this is not to say that these are the only good things. there are many more. i however, am focusing on these 3.

#1 walking the great wall of china
now just about everyone has heard of the great wall of china. and im sure many people would like to. but i have. and it was great. i cant even begin to talk about what happened on their. if you was there you know. if your lucas, then i guess you wasn't there so you don't know. but yeah, as walking the great wall of china goes. it was difficult. it was a challenge. not to forget that there was a huge walk up a steep ICEY as shit hill before even getting to the wall. then walking on the 'wild wall' the area no refurbished which is covered in broken rocks. then considering that the great wall where done up is still steep as hell. is was difficult and fun. i would repeat the whole thing step by step if i could.

#2 glastonbury.
it was awesome! highlights: stevie wonder, muse (with the edge), toy story 3, dizzee rascal and the couteeners.

#3 graduation.
this is a pre empted rave that graduation night and week will be full of fun fun fun, not suitable for family viewing. getting my degree, wearing a cap and gown, and my snazzy suit. celebrating with friends and just generally having a good time. i am proud that i got this far!... but less of the mushy stuff now.

now then... back to business.
things i dislike:
# england are out of the world cup. a shocking performance by them!
# the iPhone 4. it cant be used to call using the left hand.....
# children that think they deserve to see toy story more than adults...! oh wait well i suppose it is a kids film, how about NO! go back in time and be born earlier!

thats all for now! you stay classy san diago!

a man with a plan

once upon a time there lived a man. just an ordinary man. he lived. that was what he did... until one day, he realised he had the potential to do something bigger. something greater with his existence. so he went away and made a plan. he talked to a few close friends and family members about his plan, but keeping the overall greater goal to himself, because although he trusted those with whom he had spoke. he knew that no amount of trust could allow him to part with the the key ingredient in his life plan; his friends agreed. as did the family members. he was on a roll... but as previously mentioned, up until this point in his life, the man had only been living, so he had no funds to 'set the ball rolling'. so he went to the bank to request a loan. this was where he hit the snag, although he trusted the family and friends, he did not trust the banker. after all. everyone knows bankers are shady characters... walking around with their hair slicked back and there feet on the ground, one foot after another. no the man knew not to trust the banker. so he didn't tell him the plan. subsequently, the banker saw no reason to give the man money so refused the loan. the man trotted off back to his house with a little dampener on his little heart. he knew this what what he was meant to do with his life, and he knew it was task only he could fulfil, but without the funds he could see no future in it. the man sat in his chair one night thinking of ways to raise capital in order to carry on with his plan. he had no idea, all he could think about was the plan.....

years past, and the man had become a recluse, only opening the door on saturday evenings in the period between 6.21 and 6.34 p.m. the man would stand in the door looking off into the distance, never taking his eye off the same spot. the door would close and it would be 7 days before he would open the door. slowly a settlement formed in the areas around the man, and the house that the man had occupied for an undefined amount or time. settlements became villages, villages towns, towns became cities. the world around him had moved on, all the while the man still obsessing on his plan. his friends and family had long gone, he was alone. always looking at the same spot in the distance ever saturday evening.

february 9th. there is a knock on the door. the man does not answer. a letter is posted through the letterbox. the man makes no effort to pick it up, almost unaware that any abnormality had taken place. he man finally reaches for the envelope, struggles to tear on end to reveal the contents inside. the man drops to his knees. he opens the door and as a gentle tear rolls down his cheek. the answer to the decades of torment had been given to him. for no apparent reason, a small amount of money was pushed through the letterbox in the envelope. the man began to work. he worked all day and all night. he barely slept. he was excited. he felt in his youth again! finally his wait would be over. finally his name would be echoed in eternity. the days passed and the man carried on working. the man was complete. his hard work payed off. years of wait whittled down to this moment.

and so began the greatest story ever told.......

Tuesday 16 February 2010

Urban Living


- Man of great size and power. Usually has his way with any woman he wants.
Thats like the elliot of trucks.
Elliot has had his with with all of our mothers. Multiple time

- some one that gets his dick sucked on a daily basis. by far the best male at sex alive. most women dream about fucking him. names included are people named jayme,jamie,or jaymie
he reminds me of (elliot) the god of fuck
i wish my boyfriend knew some of elliot's moves

- a super hot mexican boy who likes to get laid all the time. hes great in bed and has a big cock
he is such an elliot. i fucked him all nite!

no as you can probs guess this is not my definition of the name Elliot. its actually something i saw on-line that made me laugh. all you have to do is search you're name on Urban its that simple. easy. and effective. seen as though the definitions are pretty much guaranteed to be written by someone with the same name, you're bound to get a good response.


now on an unrelated note, i have realised that i haven't spread the good news that is my best friend has had a healthy baby boy. which pretty much makes me an uncle (yay!) so yeah, congratulations to Victoria and her son Noah! (who is going to be 1 month old on the 17th)


now its that time of the year, or at least it is for me anyways where i have a lot of work to do, so naturally, this is the best time of the year to practise my procrastination skills... hence the urban dictionary game above! this is one way. the other, and main way i procrastinate it to browse through hundreds of youtube videos, amusing myself. it works, i'm sure you have all done the same. i recently discovered a video of a weatherman. not just any weatherman, perhaps THE greatest weatherman to work on tv. so yeah, i'm not going to ruin it for you, though i should warn you, this guy is an absolute HERO!


Pete Bouchard we salute you!

Monday 11 January 2010



1. The act of remaining inactive or stationary.

2. A period of time spent waiting.

since the turn of the decade I have been sat around waiting. it would seem that recently that’s all I can do. I try to invite something new and fresh into my life. but I have to wait for it. it would certainly seem that recently, I have been working to a clock that is not my own.

so as it’s a new year, I figured that people would be into all sorts of new year’s revelations. which I personally think is a load of tosh. what's so special about the 1st Jan that makes people want to change, for the next 2 and half weeks at least? imagine if a heroin addict decided to wait until the new year to stop using the drug, they could be dead long before the stroke of midnight on new year’s eve. if people really want to change, they would do it because they want to, not because society dictates that they should!

well I guess that’s the new year’s rand out of the way, back to the issue at hand. waiting. now I don't claim to be impatient, if anything this last week or so has proved to myself that I am in fact quite patient. what have I been waiting for? well if you wait I minute I will get to that. so I have been waiting for several things. the 1st is some computer parts that I have ordered. these have been on a list of things to buy for the best part of a year. so now they have been purchased and they have not been delivered I am getting a little annoyed. but since I have been waiting so long already, I figured I can wait a little longer. the second was a bundle of items that I ordered from eBay. as usual you expect things off eBay to take a little while longer to arrive. thirdly, is a game and DVD’s from now these are usually very good with delivery, but seeing as though the item in question was 'posted' on the 29th Dec, and only arrived on the 11th Jan( I know right!?!) I was not amused. now I know what you’re thinking, that’s because I would think it too if I was in your shoes. which I am not, because I only wear Dunlop Greenflash, but I fear that’s a conversation for another day perhaps. you are thinking. Elliot. this is hardly worth a blog. you’re wasting your time writing about it, and you are wasting my time by allowing me to read it! you’re a dick! yes yes yes. however, there is one more thing I am waiting for. far more valuable than a couple hundred pounds worth of computer equipment, or a few sale items off play. ooh yes. this is quite the opposite. there is no price to be put on this thing. not a single thing in this world will stop me from wanting this right now. if you hadn't guessed already, I am of course talking about the miracle of life. the birth of a baby! - no it’s not my baby! you’re not the 1st person to make that assumption, trust me. but I am excited never the less. Yes. I am waiting for a baby to be born so I can ship off to meet him, and see the mother, who I have not been able to see for over a month now! and that is a long time trust me!!!

all in all. this new year has been a little bit tiring. but that’s mainly down to the amount of colds I have had in such a short period of time!

peace XD

oh yeah, and as I suspected, Avatar is awesome, go and see it now or get the hell out of town!

5 buds out of 5!